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Get The Latest Business tips today from the Miles Better Vault

We are excited to announce the launch of our 6 week on-line course - "Let the Numbers decide"

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The Vault is filled with helpful videos, ebooks and software ideas and concepts for all small business owners.

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Collin Miles aka The Numbers Guy

ON Point Mentors 60 minute interview with Collin Miles 

60 minute video from the ON Point Mentors founder Celia Waterhouse

  • Collin was invited to be the features mentor this week

  • We explore the back ground to Collin

  • Collin Miles CEO MIles Better explains the link between profit, sales and Cash

  • All presented in a light hearted fashion

  • The announcement of the new" Let The numbers decide " course and more

  • Please enjoy 

  • For more information on the various courses
    Rachel Webber Miles Better Client

    Collin really helped me dive into the world of freelance confidently. It's a scary thing to do and I didn't know where to start. Collin made the accountancy and tax side easy and explained everything in simple terms so I could understand. It was a huge relief to meet an accountant that I could trust and knew how to help small businesses like myself scale. (and wasn't boring!)"?

    Rachel Webb